You might have heard of Solution Selling, Customer Centric Selling and SPIN. All these methodologies have many years to their name. It is about time to introduce something new.
To sell insight is knowing more than the customer about their own market! By demonstrating that we are experts in our field, we can bring a completely different value than before to the table.
Customers are fed up with sellers who sound like everyone else and who do not add any value in the end. With the help of the digital arenas, as well as tools that support our business, we are now for the first time able to have more control over what our customers think and feel when we are not present. Through Measurable Marketing and Insight Selling, we can position ourselves even more than before as thought leaders.
The fact that customers make over 50% of the buying journey themselves today before they contact a supplier, makes it more important than ever to become part of the client’s world as early as possible. Insight Selling helps us to achieve this.